Swap AVAX to POL – Bridge Crypto Between Avalanche and Polygon with ARMswap

Hussnain Aslam
Hussnain Aslam



Swapping crypto was never this easy! Do you want to swap AVAX to POL? Worry not, because ARMswap has made it a breeze. The process is not only simple but also ensures broader access, liquidity and increased trading opportunities for token holders.

3 Easy Steps to Swap AVAX from Avalanche to POL on Polygon  

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to swap AVAX to POL as an example. Please note that this guide is for swapping AVAX from Avalanche to POL on Polygon. Token holders can also swap POL to AVAX by swapping the source chain and destination chain in the following steps.

Steps to Swap AVAX to POL on ARMswap

1. Connect Your Wallet: 

Go to ARMswap and click “Connect Wallet” to link to your crypto wallet.

connect wallet with Meta Mask


2. Choose the Chains & Tokens: 

Select Avalanche (AVAX) as the source chain and Polygon (POL) as the destination chain. Please remember to specify the tokens you wish to transfer to Polygon (POL).  

AVAX-Polygon 01.png


If your wallet is not already connected to the Avalanche (AVAX) for this transfer, you will get a notification to switch to it.

3. Enter Amount and Approve: 

Type in the desired amount for transfer and check how much you’ll get back. Check everything one last time, then click “Swap” and approve it on your wallet.

AVAX-Polygon 02.png


  • Wait for Completion: It might take a little while for your crypto to show up in your wallet.
  • If Something Goes Wrong: If the transfer is unsuccessful due to a liquidity problem or network issue, the waiting time is at least 48 hours, you’ll get a notification explaining its reason or you can reach out to our support team with the screenshots of the transaction for further help. 

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